Veterans of Foreign Wars of the US
Remembering Pearl Harbor
USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project
The Military Store
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Women’s Memorial
The American Legion National Headquarters
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Defense
Memorial Day
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
The Flag of the United States of America
Iwo Jima
The Military Network
A central point of information relating to our Military and their families.
Veterans Ring of Honor Web Site
dedicated to the challenge of developing effective projects and programs that assist and join in the efforts of
individuals and organizations that are striving to improve medical and health-care received by all
veterans at VA Hospitals and Facilities.
The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System A searchable database containing very basic facts about servicemen who served on
both sides during the Civil War, with other historical resources.
Pearl Harbor Casualties List
World War II Casualties
A searchable database of WWII casualties from the American Battle Monuments Commission.
ABMC War Dead
The American Battle Monuments Commission also maintains a listing of those
interred at the American military cemeteries overseas and those Missing in
Action from World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
Korean Conflict Casualty File
Records of soldiers who died as a result of hostilities in Korea, 1950-57,
including those who died while missing or captured, from the National Archives
and Records Administration.
The Virtual Wall
The Virtual Wall is a digital, interactive legacy memorializing the 58,220 men
and women who gave their lives in Vietnam. It offers veteran profiles, remembrances,
reunion postings, name rubbings, custom reports, your own Virtual Wall page, and more.
Vietnam-Era Prisoner-Of-War/Missing-In-Action Database
This database was established to assist researchers interested in investigating
the U.S. Government documents pertaining to U.S. military personnel listed as
unaccounted for as of December 1991.
Veterans of America Honor Guard celebrates the military men and women who paid the price for freedom. Veterans Memorial Site, Death Announcements, Living Memorials
Flags of Freedom Foundation
Memorial Day Greetings Cards
We Remember! Visit Memorial Day in CyberSpace and get your candle!
I Stand Before You
I stand before you all today
But not one eye can see my way
My time arrived, to leave this earth
A fact so planned, to every birth
It happened where I had to go
My torch for life was so aglow
I transferred while in uniform
Protecting freedom, through a storm
Should I resent I died for you
Not on my life, red white and blue
Please help my family through each day
Tell all my friends, try not to stray
And of the country I did love
Do think of me, through God above
Your memories, brought forth this day
Send love to us, who could not stay
©2001 Roger J. Robicheau
The Poetic Plumber
former Specialist Fifth Class US Army
Read more poems by The Poetic Plumber
Buy US Flags
Here are some tips to make sure your tribute is a respectful one:
Display the flag only between sunrise and sunset on buildings and stationary flagstaffs. The flag may be displayed for twenty-four hours if illuminated in darkness.
Do not display the flag in inclement weather.
Whether displaying the flag vertically or horizontally, make sure the canton of stars is visible on the upper left-hand side.
Do not let the flag touch the ground.
An unusable flag that is damaged and worn and can no longer be displayed should be destroyed in a dignified way by burning.
When not on display, the flag should be respectfully folded into a triangle, symbolizing the tricorn hats worn by colonial soldiers in the Revolutionary War.
"The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with
flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense
of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost
every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no
form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way
arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances
may permit."
So wrote General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization
of former sailors and soldiers, on May 5th, 1868
Assault on the Liberty
The true story of the attack by Israel on an American intelligence ship. The definitive book on this subject, recently republished 9th edition with a new addendumby James Ennes
Buy the book
USS Liberty Dead in the water (BBC - 2002)
The 1967 attack by Israel on the USS Liberty has been told by Sligo Productions in 1987, by the History Channel in 2001, by the Liberty Vets Assn. in 2002, but the BBC has dug deeper than anyone before in "Dead in the Water."
Buy the DVD
Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III
This hard-hitting investigation shows that on that day in 1967, the world came closer to all-out nuclear war than ever before -- this incident made the Cuban Missile Crisis seem tame by comparisonby Peter Hounam
Buy the book