Memorial to Past Friends
Phoenix my sweet curmudgeon
 1991 |
 2005 |
Phoenix portrait
Sheba left in August 1991. In September 1991 I went to the local shelter to look at kitties, and was pleasantly surprised to see a number of tortoise shells there. One, however, reached her paw out to grab at me, "I"m right here! Get over here!" Sheba always did that as soon as I came in the door, so that little 6 month old kitten came home with me. I named her Phoenix, because of her 'Sheba traits'..
 my sweet curmudgeon
 curious & busy |
 on jewelrybox on high dresser |
 a favorite high spot
 'watched' pot boiling |
 way too curious |
She was a little tornado as a kitten. Curious, busy, needed to be everywhere and try everything. The family room stairs in that house were open and carpeted. Go up and down them the normal way was evidently boring, as her first month she went up and down them from the underside. Then she'd just hang from them by her front claws and swing, ala Tarzan. Getting declawed did put a damper on that activity. She continued to be busy, and was in to "science experiments" with boiling pots and the fireplace.
 fire curiousity |
 is fire hot? |
 ok, I won't touch it
She loved Wolf, and playing with her. Fortunately for all of us, Wolf was the gentlest dog I've ever seen with cats. She loved teasing Wolf by going and sitting next to a dog biscuit that she'd left out. She'd just sit there, maybe bend down and lick it and then wash a paw. Wolf was quick about getting her biscuit, but Phoenix never budged from sitting there, washing a paw.
 playing on the bed |
 cornered, but not moving for anyone |
Sultan took Phoenix under his wing as her 'elder brother'. She needed to be in the same room as him, and was always a gallant follower when he occasionally led the gang into neat, high places she had yet discovered. The cupboards over the frig, come to mind. I may have him to credit for teaching her to ably open cupboards and drawers. She had him to herself for six months before the twins came along. They all had an additional year with him before he left us.
 Sultan watching Phoenix and her catnip toy |
 Phoenix with elder brother, Sultan |
She loved Deanna, but sometimes just tolerated her as Deanna always had to squish in wherever Phoe was. Never close enough for De. Phoenix would crab at her, but stayed with her most of the time.
 windowsill kitties
 free wash |
 sharing sunshine |
 sharing space after a busy morning 'filing'
 Phoe had the chair first |
 De is comfy |
 compromise, both comfy

Phoenix and Troi respected each other. They played together, shared toys together, and took turns being first in line for brushing. They were also good taking turns at the food bowl that still had some crumbs. They enjoyed each other's company without crowding.
 mutual respect
 sharing the moving sunshine |
 sharing 'Vet the Victim' |
 sharing the frontdoor breeze
 free wash
 sharing the sunshine
 sharing sunshine
Phoenix and Taylor merely tolerated each other. Where Troi tried to get along with Taylor, wanting to play with her like he played with Wolf, Phoenix seemed to intentionally irritate Taylor. The photo below is the closest they came to getting along
 mutual toleration
Phoenix taught Sebastian master classes in not chasing her. She wouldn't budge for him, and would smack him around if he got too close. She smacked him over the kitchen water bowl, just days before she left us. With Cinnabar, she never budged, but she also barely blinked for him. With his flower-child personality, she never gave him a second thought.
 Phoenix & Sebastian - gate relationship
Phoenix loved plastic, "The Queen of Plastic" we called her. The crumpling sound of a plastic bag turned her head quickly. She'd fast waddle over to the plastic and lay on it and lick it. We sometimes teased with the plastic by sitting on her plastic bag and then jockeying for space with her. All plastic needed to be further crumpled and used to make noise, especially if it was annoying. Evidently, the more annoying, the better :)
 snuggling on plastic bag
 on Grandpa's plastic bag
 Mom bought me plastic!
Not surprisingly, Phoenix was also a box kitty! Also a drawer kitty, closet kitty, any cubby-hole will do kitty. For a big girl, she fit herself into some surprising spots.
 checking for fit |
 perfect, ahem, fit |
 previously neatly stacked boxes
Phoe was never a lap kitty, but she would paw for attention. She could be pretty rough about it sometimes if you weren't quick enough with the ear rub. She would do this sitting next to you, or underneath my desk, sitting on one of my computers.
 here I am |
 hey, pay attention to me |
 no problem, I can get closer |
 closeness works for me |
She also fancied herself as my office assistant. Everything stacked for filing, she very kindly resorted for me. Never had to ask for this 'help'.
 this stuff is resorted |
 got those pesky papers outta the way |
Like any card-carrying feline, she loved her sunshine
Never gave up her love for the fireplace
Phoenix was Kitty Star of the Week for November 7 - 13, 2004 at CrazyForKitties.com. Thank you Terri for featuring her!
Phoenix was quirky and memorable. She had a 'wash button', pet her in certain spots and she'd wash a paw furiously. She wouldn't move for the vacuum, unless you got it under her. She loved to be petted with her back to you so that if you stopped, she could roll into you reminding you that this was a 'forever' task. She had an unusual gait because her hind end was higher than her front, which had her bobbing her head with her walk (always a treat to see as the tummy went side to side in time with the head). Most cats descend stairs with their backlegs functioning separately. Not Phoe, backlegs always in unison on descent. She always came when called, and left a room when told (although she'd crab about it the whole way out).
Fourteen years sounds like a long time, until it's time to say goodbye to one you love, and on that day, only forever sounds long enough.
Phoenix hid her illness well, and got very sick very fast. She waited for me, though, so that we could spend some time together, she rolled back into me one more time, and lay her head in my hand one final time, while falling asleep.
Thank you, Phoenix, for fourteen memorable years. I started to miss you the instant you left, and will always love you, and always remember that you did things your way.
 Phoenix, summer 2005

Background by Sheryl
Bordered background uses a picture of Troi gazing at his reflection in the piano
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