Worthy Causes
If you are so inclined to contribute to or support a worthy cause, those listed below are my favorites. You may find that they appeal to you as well.
They are listed in random order.
USS Liberty Memorial
dedicated to the memory of thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967, defending the USS Liberty against a sustained air and sea attack by the armed forces of the State of Israel
During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded.
The attack has been a matter of controversy ever since. Survivors and many key government officials including Secretary of State Dean Rusk and former JCS Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer say it was no accident. Israel and its supporters insist it was a "tragic case of misidentification" and charge that the survivors are either lying or too emotionally involved to see the truth.
The survivors of the USS Liberty deserve to have a real Congressional Inquiry into what happened on June 8, 1967. They deserve more than to be shrugged off; called anti-Semites and liars.
They deserve to be heard! Our government needs to provide them that opportunity. If you agree, consider signing the petition at the USS Liberty Memorial
Chaplaincy Fund at your local hospital
Hospital chaplains provide an invaluable service to family and friends of a patient, as well as the patient. They listen; offer comfort, a shoulder to cry on, someone to pray with; offer measured, reasoned advice if asked.
During the recent illness of a loved one, this has been invaluable to me. These organizations within the health care system are generally underfunded and perhaps overlooked. For me, the Chaplain was vital.
Lankenau Chaplaincy Fund was a life line for me. Someone contributing in the past made them available for me. Hopefully, my contributions will help make them available for others in the future.
Crystal Cathedral
This powerfully positive ministry affected my life for the better. I am a possibility thinking believer.
"When Faced With A Mountain, I will Not Quit! I will keep on striving until I climb over, tunnel underneath - or simply stay and turn it into a gold mine, with God's help!"
Buddy Bear Program
Lutheran Settlement House’s Bilingual Domestic Violence Program, in concert with the Philadelphia Police Department, launched The Buddy Bear Campaign/La Campaña del Osito Tierno, a city-wide initiative to reach children ~ the smallest and often forgotten victims of domestic violence.
The Buddy Bears are given to the Philadelphia Police Department for distribution by officers during domestic disturbance calls. First responding police officers have a supply of these special, huggably soft Buddy Bears available to give to any children who are present during a domestic violence call. Each Buddy Bear will wear a colorful ribbon, imprinted with LSH’s BDVP 24-hour hotline numbers (in English and Spanish), so that domestic violence victims and their children will have easy access to help, support, and referrals.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is a pattern of behaviors by which a person seeks to gain power and control over his or her intimate partner. Domestic violence affects people of all races, income levels, religions, and ages — from teens to senior citizens. The impact of domestic violence can last long after the abuse has stopped. Domestic violence includes emotional abuse (name-calling, isolation, threats), sexual abuse (sexual insinuations, sexual contact through intimidation or force), economic abuse (control of money, disallowing a partner to work), and physical abuse (pushing, restraining, punching).
Both women and men are victims of domestic violence - It is a most heinous crime - the willful, uncaring destruction of a human being - sf
Lutheran Settlement House’s Bilingual Domestic Violence Program asks for your help! To keep the Buddy Bears Campaign operating all year long, they’re asking the public to contribute new teddy bears to BDVP.
We’ll tie lavender message ribbons with our Spanish and English hotline numbers onto the bears and turn them over to Philadelphia Police.
Often times, police officers are on the front lines of an intervention responding to a domestic violence call, and with the bears, which they’ll give to the child, they’ll be able to do a better job. The teddy bears will help comfort kids witnessing domestic violence and will help the adult learn important safety measures.
Bears will be collected at the Keep Kids Safe Skate and all year at their offices at 1340 Frankford Avenue.
I love teddy bears, so there isn't anything much sweeter than donating them to a worthy cause!
Wheelchair Foundation
The Wheelchair Foundation is a nonprofit organization leading an international effort to deliver a wheelchair to every man, woman and child in the world who needs one. For those individuals, the Wheelchair Foundation offers freedom, self-reliance, mobility and hope. Over 100 million of the world's citizens today are deprived of mobility because of warfare, disease, disaster or advanced age. The wheelchairs they need simply to get across the street - or across the room - are out of reach. The Wheelchair Foundation believes that these people deserve the independence and dignity that comes with owning a wheelchair, regardless of their nationality. The Wheelchair Foundation hopes to raise $150 million in its first five years from corporations, other foundations and individuals to support its worldwide effort to provide mobility, hope and new independence to those in need. Mobility is dignity and freedom for many people in need. |
Network for Good
Network for Good is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using the Web to help people get more involved in their communities - from volunteering and donating money, to speaking out on issues you care about. Network for Good enables you to search and donate to more than 850,000 charities online. Your donation is safe, secure, and private, and 100% of your gift goes directly to the charity you choose. This is a wonderful way to donate to your local EMS organizations. |
Red Cross
Floods, forest fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks - they are always there to help when disaster strikes. I know Red Cross volunteers personally, they take what they do very seriously. When the phone rings, they go where they're called to help. Consider a donation of either time or money Donate blood, too!
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is dedicated to caring for the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, loving the unlovable, and befriending the friendless. This dedication has produced an international network of helpful ministries.
Adult rehabilitation centers. Free temporary shelter is available to homeless men and women in severe financial need. Low-cost housing also is available to men and women living on pensions or social security. Disaster Relief. The League of Mercy is a visitation program that connects volunteers and Salvation Army officers and soldiers to those with special needs in hospitals, nursing homes, and correctional facilities. At Christmas they provide Christmas dinners, clothing, and toys for families in need.
They are a streamlined, well run organization. Consider a donation
MatchingDonors.com has been developed by doctors, business people, patients, directors of public health, and award winning public relations executives.
MatchingDonors.com helps patients in need of an organ transplant promote themselves and take an active role in the search for an organ. Being one of greater than 85,000 other people in the United States placed on an Organ Transplant Waiting List is only one way in achieving the goal of a transplant. Although it is obviously an important part in the search, patients have only a passive role when waiting on this national list.
" MatchingDonors.com’s main objective is to find potential live donors for people in need of organ transplants. When patients in need of a kidney, liver, lung or pancreas transplant place themselves onto our database, their information will be promoted on the website as well as sent out as press releases to many specific media outlets determined by the biography submitted. MatchingDonors.com advertises and promotes it’s website in many different ways through extensive public relations networking to increase potential donor’s viewing the site. MatchingDonors.com will also supply much information to the potential live donor regarding the safety and types of donations available. We believe that if more people were better educated on the ability to be a live organ donor the number of donors will increase. "
Good Samaritan - Do Unto Others
There is no link here and no monetary donation needed Many already have this philosophy If you do not, please consider adopting it Be a blessing to someone today, hold a door open, ask if help is needed if it appears to be, get involved.... Small acts most times are often the most important. The recipient of your kindness passes it on to others, who in turn pass it on. Create a kindness ripple in your world. You never know when you will be the 'angel' a person needs most. The good you do will come back to you! - sf |